Lymphatic Health
We believe in the body’s natural ability to heal itself, and a healthy immune system is paramount in this process. The lymphatic system is an integral part of the immune system and is the body’s first line of defense against disease. It not only drains toxins out of the body, but it protects the body by producing white blood cells, which fight infection. In other words, the lymphatic system is vital in maintaining good health.
Lymphatic Therapy
(aka Lymphatic Drainage, Lymphatic Massage)
Skilled in manual lymphatic drainage (MLD)* as well as lymphatic enhancement therapy (LET), we are able to utilize a combination of techniques depending on the unique needs of each patient. Currently, we are using Arcturus Star Product’s Lymphstar Pro Fusion device, which has proven to be extremely effective in encouraging lymphatic flow, hence improving quality of life, especially after other techniques have failed. Often times, we work congruently with other health practitioners to ensure our therapies are complementary and in the best interest of our patients.
Dedicated to treating individuals who suffer from a compromised immune system, Professional Lymphatic Therapy and Colonics, LLC is uniquely qualified to treat individuals with a variety of health concerns. Many of the patients we see are suffering with maladies such as:
general inflammation (hands, feet, joints, glands, sinuses, etc.)
fibrotic cysts
chronic pain
immune and autoimmune dysfunction
injury & surgical rehab, such as...
post-chemotherapy process
post-mastectomy surgery
post-explant detoxification
post lipo, BBL, tummy tuck procedures, etc.
*Please note: Lymphatic Drainage refers to a technique that assists the internal flow of the lymphatic fluid, which allows it to 'drain' back into the blood stream. Our license does not allow for wound care or any interaction with external bodily fluids.